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Amos Preschool Promise Leadership Assembly

We are also excited that we have an amazing opportunity to fund preschool for every child in our city for the next decade. This is something we can do together. We also know that, like every goal, the test is our willingness to do the hard work necessary day in and day out to make the resolution a reality. And this is vital for Universal Preschool. For AMOS and our partners, the hard work begins at our Leadership Assembly on Thursday January 21st at Tryed Stone New Beginning Church, 5550 Reading Road. We will focus on training for civic engagement, including voter registration, petition gathering, and volunteer mobilization. As always, we will offer two identical trainings: 1-3 PM or 6:30-8:30 PM. Please register today at Amos Leadership Assembly or Together, we can make 2016 the Year of the Child in Cincinnati, insuring excellent preschool for every child.

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